Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Bee's doing well

January 6th the weather had finally warmed up to a nice 60 and the sun was shinning. Went down to do a quick check on the bee's. Found the one hive had died, due to the queen failing, so I was told. Moved on to the other hives, they both appeared to be doing well. Going to add a short video of what a few of the frames looked like in one of the hives.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Sun came out today

The sun came out today and warmed up the hives enough that a few bee's were out and about. I'm always glad to see bee's, gives me hope that they might make it through winter. I am very new to this blogging stuff, I'm sure no one can tell that :) I would really appreciate any ideas on what I could do differently on my page to make it more interesting. I have more picture's I'll be adding in a few days.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Cold weather in the Northwest

I'm am beginning my second year in beekeeping. The weather here has been so cold, have not had many chances to open the hives. Couple weeks ago was pretty warm (around 60), so opened all 3 hives I have and discovered one hive was dead. That was so disappointing. Did some research and talked to some people and came to the conclusion, that the Queen had died?????? So, now my big beekeeping adventures are down to 2 hives. I hope it warms up soon.